Chillout Ambient
The Cold Goes
#ambient #Chillout #e-mu #rfx-32 #E4XT_Ultra #eventideh8000fw #quantum_yardstick #Lexicon300 #MuXster #EOS_Reverb #squarp_pyramid #DBX_Quantum #Prophet~10
January 23 first Ambient Session
e-mu #rfx-32 #E4XT #eventideh8000fw #quantum_yardstick #Lexicon300 #MuXster #EOS_Reverb #squarp_pyramid
Terrassium Nachtium Abkühlium
…Langzeitbelichtung mit Fisheye 7artisans und Igeln die aber nicht drauf sind da zu schnell.
und Langzeit Tweakin Drone mit Prophet 10 Modul, Eventide H8000fw und Quantec Yardstick.
Shaky E-MU Testifying
Test Footage made with my new Fuji X-E3 and 7artisan 35 f/0.95 .
You see E-MU Vintage Hardware Gear like E4XT Platinum, Darwin, E4K, Eventide H8000, Korg Wavestation, Yamaha MU100R, DBX Quantum, Tc 1128, Quantec Yardstick, Lexicon 300. Instruments with which I make the music you hear here.