First January elektronik Ambient Session
with Korg Wavestate, Prophet~10, E4XT , Lexicon and Eventide H8000fw
So, das wars für heute. Aus die Maus heute keine Session mehr.

Grusel Pads by Alchemy
Last Day in February
Chillout Ambient
The Cold Goes
#ambient #Chillout #e-mu #rfx-32 #E4XT_Ultra #eventideh8000fw #quantum_yardstick #Lexicon300 #MuXster #EOS_Reverb #squarp_pyramid #DBX_Quantum #Prophet~10
Dark Ambient QuadMuXter Session
#E-MU #rfx-32 #E4XT #eventideh8000fw #quantum_yardstick #Lexicon300 #MuXster #EOS_Reverb #squarp_pyramid
January 23 first Ambient Session
e-mu #rfx-32 #E4XT #eventideh8000fw #quantum_yardstick #Lexicon300 #MuXster #EOS_Reverb #squarp_pyramid
A Message from the TonKlangDichter
Live Ambient / EM Session
#Squarp Pyramid #Korg Wavestation #Prophet 10 #Eventide H8000FW